Taipei City Walls

  Geographical location : East Gate: Zhongshan Road

  Asset Type:Walls and Castle


Taiwan Governor-General Office Museum

  Geographical location : No.2

  Asset Type: Museum


Presidential Office Building

  Geographical location : No.122

  Asset Type : Government Office


Control Yuan Building

  Geographical location : No.2

  Asset Type : Government Office


Executive Yuan, ROC

  Geographical location : No.1

  Asset Type : Government Office


Taipei Guest House

  Geographical location : No.1

  Asset Type : House and Mansion


Judicial Office Building

  Geographical location : No.124

  Asset Type : Government Office


Chiang Kai-Shek and Soong May-ling’s Official Residence in Shilin

  Geographical location : No.60

  Asset Type : Others


Former president Yen Chia-Kan’s Residence

  Geographical location : No.2

  Asset Type : House and Mansion


The Monopoly Bureau of the Governor-General's Office (Today's Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation)

  Geographical location : No.1

  Asset Type : Government Office


Taipei Railway Vehicle Depot

  Geographical location : No.48

  Asset Type : Industrial Facilities


Taichung Railway Station

  Geographical location : No.172

  Asset Type : Station
